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Hyde Family Ancestral Home

John Hyde ~ Hyde Family Ancestral Home
Saturday, February 21st, 11:00 am, Heritage Room, Williams Inn

As the poet wrote “A house is not a home until someone lives in it.” This is the story of a HOME in which 5 generations of one family lived with illustrations to show the house in various stages of its growth over a period of more than 200 years. The structure – both exterior and interior as well as the grounds around it – will serve as the “evidence” from which we can learn how and why the people who lived in it kept changing it to reflect changes in taste, technology, social life and in society as a whole. The history of a Berkshire home covers almost the entire history of this nation.

Professor Emeritus John M. Hyde has been a member of the faculty and administration of Williams College for the past fifty years.  He is also a member of the fifth generation of a family which has lived in Berkshire County for more than 200 years.